Friday, September 14, 2007

Random Thoughts

It's only 7:21 AM at this moment, but I already feel like I'm jacked up on Caffeine. And no, I haven't had any sugary pop of any sort.

I'm just exicted about my daily walk later today. I have yet to mention it, but I've increased my daily activity like woah. Yesterday for instance, I walked 6 miles; not all at once, but over the course of the day.

Two weeks ago I was walking a mile a day, but over the last two weeks I've increased it to 2 miles per day. And now, I hope to bring it to 3, perhaps 4 miles per day. And do take note that I don't walk, but "speed walk".

I feel so hyped up! And as result, I'm feeling a helluva lot more hungry than usual.. Last night was insane, I swear I could have eaten a bag of Oreo's..

But you know what's really kick ass? As per usual, my annoying housemates have gone away on the weekend. Most usually they leave on Friday afternoon and come back Sunday night, but for whatever reason, they left last night instead. Thus I'm listening to Rush's "Lock & Key" at an absurd volume...I haven't got the chance to listen to the album ("Hold Your Fire") at such a volume. The production is superb.

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