Sunday, September 2, 2007

Deserted Island Collection

Here's the situation:

You're being shipped to a deserted island paradise with nothing but a suitcase full of clothing, a boom box of some sort and 10 CD's of you're choice. Which 10 CD's do you bring along?


Rush - "Snakes & Arrows" (2007)
Jethro Tull - "Thick As a Brick" (1972)
Rush - "Signals" (1982)
Big Country - "The Collection" (2002)
Peter Gabriel - "Hit Compilation" (2003)

Tom Cochrane - "Mad Mad World" (1991)
Loreena McKennit - "The Book of Secrets" (1995)
Rush - "Moving Pictures" (1981)

U2 - "Unforgettable Fire" (1984)
The Fixx - "Greatest Hits: One Thing Leads to Another" (?)

No English Beat, no Dire Straits..fuck..

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