Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Little Bit Different

A little bit different - that in contrast with others my age, is what I am.

You know, it had occurred to me before, but in the general society of status I ain't the typical teenager/young adult that most are.

Having visited a Safeway commonly swamped by both University and High School students earlier today and having the displeasure of viewing of how my generation both looks and acts, I can safely say that I'm not the typical, partying drunkard with few responsibilities and less brain cells than a brick. Sorry If I sound, hmm, Ignorant? Perhaps Arrogant?

Call me what you will, but I couldn't care. Through my school years I had so many friends, but as I've gotten older I think I'd say that I now have a great deal less than I ever had before. The first and foremost reason would be because of my constant relocating across the provinces (and countries for that matter), but the second reason would be because of who I am.

You see, rather than partying and acting like an idiot through out my teenage years, I've spent a great deal of those years maturing, becoming smarter and, well, putting on my bravest face (thanks Neil Peart). Even when I was a few years younger than I am now, I could never take part in the stupid activities which are expected of my age group. And I suppose much of that can be attributed to my experiences in my mid teenage years where I was subjected to a life style which most are completely unfamiliar with.

In short, I matured a hell of a lot quicker than most young adults; actually, didn't have much else of a choice. And I know that It's evident in the way I act and present myself to others.

For instance, I've never really gained a whole lot of attention from the all-out hot girls, but I don't believe that's because I'm ugly per se, but rather
because of the way I present myself. I don't dress or look my age; rather than sporting an all-out "emo" haircut and a 5-o-clock shadow with the addition of a pair of pre-ripped $100 jeans, square tipped shoes, and an awful lime green T-shirt with a skate-board company logo on it, I dress myself with a pair of simple blue jeans and a check t-shirt. I'm all conservative and I wear such an ensemble 99% of time. So then, it's clear that I don't dress nor act like most my age. Don't get me wrong, I do believe that I get a fair share of attention from girls, but I also believe that my presentation has a tendency to turn away an equal number of them. I'm not sporty, I'm not hip, nor all that cool. I'm about as plain as an unsalted cracker.

Additionally, my maturity means that I have a far different mentality and outlook on life than most others my age. I mean c'mon, how many others do you know - of any age actually - that think that: Ipod's are rubbish; that "new-age" music is dribble. Or how about someone who has neither a cell phone or cable television?

And in the end, it makes me somewhat of a social out-cast. It makes you all that little bit more picky; it means trying to have conversations with people who you don't deem to be intelligent all that harder, and it means finding a girlfriend is considerably tougher.

But you know what? I am glad to be a supposed "out-cast". I am proud of who I am. I never tried to be anything more than who I am - I've never tried to be someone else to impressive another.

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