Sunday, September 23, 2007

Heroes (pt.3)

Whilst I realize that I've already titled two previous posts with a name relating to what I called this particular post, I couldn't care less. This shall be my last post entitled "Heroes" though - promise. =)

Anyhow, since I wrote my last post I've managed to watch yet another eight episodes. I just cannot get enough of this show!

You know, with the whole strange, unexpected conspiracy thing it kinda of reminds me of the X-Files, and thus is a huge positive considering the X-Files was always a favourite show of mine. And even after some thirteen episodes they have yet to tell us (the viewers) what the hell is going on. I love that it's all a big mystery; as a result the plot-line and what-not forces you to try and guess what's going to happen.

Additionally, it's amazingly addictive. Come to think of it, Heroes is almost like a soap opera, albeit an excellent one.

I know, I know, I'm so behind the times; after all, the second season is already airing here in North America.

In any event, it's also worth mentioning how great all of the characters are. My current favourite of the roster is probably Officer "Matt Parkman". Not because he has the best "power" - nah, I think Claire has that - but because he seems like a down to earth kind of guy. He's just cool.

Man, oh man, I truly am talking about the show as if it's soap opera, aren't I? Doesn't matter... if you have yet to see the show, watch the pilot episode!

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