Thursday, April 5, 2007

Musically Addicted

It has occurred to me I have an addiction with music. I'm sure that sounds lame, but honestly, I can not get enough of it.

Over the last month I have gotten in the routine of a daily walk (around 20 mins long), but over the last week it has been extremely hard to carry out my daily walk. Especially because I have discovered yet another awesome 80's band, Big Country.

I've had the last couple of days off and as a result I've been listening to music non-stop. I wake up at 6:30am and I immediately start listening to music. I look around on the Internet for a "few" hours, but generally I like to go out for my walk at around 12:00pm. On Tuesday I was so immensed by my music I didn't even go out for a walk. That's only the third time (in the last month) I haven't got out for a walk (!!!) The other two times were because I was inside with a bad flu/cold.

Yesterday I woke up at the regular time and went on the Internet, and I remember seeing 10:00am on the clock. I told myself: "I've got to get ready for my walk" and I turned the shower on, and I left it running for 10 minutes... and then I decided to turn the shower off and get ready in another 15 minutes... The next time I looked down at the clock, it was 12:00pm!

I hadn't even been in shower, let alone go for a walk! So, I finally dragged myself away from the music. Once I got out of the shower, I went back on to the computer and I once again, fell victim.

Time passed, I looked at the clock it was 2:00pm, I then promised myself to get ready and I looked at the clock and it was 4:00pm. At that time, I decided to tear myself away from the computer.

I did go out for my walk. While on my walk, I could only think how exciting it will be once I get back and can listen to music again. I started singing/humming a Big Country tune on the way.

The above probably makes me sound like I'm insane (which I probably am) I get such an adrenaline rush listening to music.

I get emotionally attached and begin to savour every drum beat, every guitar strum and every vocal note. My heart gets pounding and there's no stop. Please note, I'm not in a downtown nightclub, I am in my house - in a computer chair.

BTW, as I write this blog, I'm listening to music.

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