Friday, April 13, 2007

Comic Based

I can't even tell you how much I hate Marvel comic based films and they're is certainly not shortage of the bloody things. In fairness, I won't pick on Batman, which I believe was the first of the "comic to film" things.

Other than that, it seems as if most everybody has got to make a penny from a Marvel comic. Let's see: Fantastic Four, Punisher, and lastly, that bloody SpiderMan. I shall get SpiderMan out of the way first - I cannot stand those movies.

Even though I've only seen one of three, I'll stand the judgement of calling them absolute rubbish. The story line, acting and whatnot is always terrible. Of course, that's just my opinion.

I do have a confession though, there has always been one of these Marvel movies which I have really enjoyed. And it is - X-Men.

Perhaps I have a bias, because I was always the kid who was more interested in X-Men than SpiderMan, but honestly, as an overall movie I think the X-Men series' are the far better films. Aside from having stronger and more developed plot lines, the actors are far, far better. I'll take Hugh Jackman & Halle Berry over Tobey Maguire & the awful Kirsten Dunst anyday!

Also adding to that cast is Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen, both of which are great actors (and I'm sure most would agree)

Just the other night I finished watching X3: The Last Stand (the final of the trilogy) and I found it to be pretty good. Obviously not "Academy Award winning Shawshank Redemption" amazing, but in more of a "I'm simple minded and this is too, and because of that I enjoy it" good.

Other observations: Halle Berry and Anna Paquin were always good looking gals, but I'm glad to see another good lookin' chick join them. Ellen Page, now 19, who ironically starred on The Trailer Park Boys when she was 15.

** Spoilers **

- I liked the way the trilogy finished off as well. Interesting how they killed off Xavier and took away Magneto's powers (or did they..?)

- Good to see Juggernaut make an appearance. Would have liked to seen Night Crawler though.

A subjective rating (in this genre) - I'd rate it 8.5 out 10.

Hmm..I feel like I'm 10 years old again! (is that good or bad?)

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