Friday, April 27, 2007

Ding, Ding!

Living in an actual apartment with one main entrance has it's perks. For example, no solicitation.

However, I am not living in that type of apartment. I am currently living in a "basement suite", which is essentially a house with divided spaces. There are three separates units within it and each have their own door (everything in Vancouver is like this..) So then, the other day the door bell rang (on a Sunday) and as I was expecting someone it didn't occur that I should look through the "peak hole". When I opened the door it was not who I expected, it was the Jehovah's Witness. For those unfamiliar, it's a Mormon church group, based through out the world (like the Christian's, but with different beliefs).

Anyways, I wasn't too happy. I had seen them going door to door last Sunday and when they last dropped by, I didn't answer the door.

You see, I'd consider myself an Atheist. Although I'm not completely disbelieving of God-like miracles and the Bible, but overall, I don't think twice about it.

Now, I'm not one who likes to be ignorant or mean to people (although I have been), so instead of just telling them to go away, I stood there (for 15 minutes) and listened to what they had to say.

Although there were two men, only one spoke and I guess he must have had hours of training to get his "catch" correct. I can't remember how it started, but eventually it went onto him explaining what they did and the misconception with religion. He chose the Middle East to explain how the world is heading down a terrible path and how those "terrorists" do not represent proper religion. He also explained how Christian's made religion look bad (in a nice way..)
He said, "people get the wrong idea about religion and automatically assume it's concept and followers are insane "

He's bloody right. That is part of the reason I am not religious, nor ever have the desire to be.

Anyhow, he started to annoy me and as a result, I started finishing his sentences. There's nothing I hate more than being talked to like I'm stupid. I'm obviously not an idiot and I completely aware of what is happening in today's world. Probably better than he does.

He even read a few passages from the Bible (which he had on cue). In particular, a part where it talks about the end of world and how the sinners would be cast from the earth and how the "good" people left to roam it. Nice scare tactic, but then that wouldn't be a new thing in the world of religion, would it?

The whole thing was overly annoying. He asked if I had a Bible? I said, "no I do not". So then, he asked if I wanted a Bible (I couldn't say no..) so he gave me his (I'm sure he had a temple of them in the trunk of his car). He then asked me If I knew I how to read it and I of course, said no. He then gave me a lesson on how to read the Bible..

So yeah, that's the fifteen minutes I'm talking about. Looking back, it might have been closer to twenty.. Either way, had I just lied about having a Bible I could have saved time, but I hate lying. Anyways, he said he'd come back next weekend at the same time. Although I did say I will be here, I won't be. So then, I suppose I did lie after all. Hmm...

I really don't want anything to do with religion (Christian, Mormon, etc) - It's simply not my thing. I have my own beliefs, I don't need to be fed any.

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