Thursday, November 15, 2007

Cousin in Vancouver


This morning I logged onto Facebook to find a private message in my Inbox from a cousin, a cousin that I didn't even remember I had!

The last time I would have seen this particular cousin would have been when I was about 5 years old at my Mother's sister's wedding; she's my Mother's sister's kid. How cool is that?

Her name is Kirstin, she's studying for a Masters in Environmental Toxicology and lives in Vancouver! Stranger still, we even share a few favourite musicians - Loreena McKennitt, Cat Stevens and Gordon Lightfoot.

Here she is:

But what's with the sudden contact after all of these years? Well, yeah, I wondered that too. As my Mother - her aunt - is on her buddy list I can only assume that after I ignored my Mothers request to accept her as a friend, she contacted Kirstin.

In any event, it's cool to have contact with her.

P.S. - Still debating whether I should accept my Mother's request.

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