Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Say It Isn't So!

The Sport Auto is in my hands!

Last night I was talking with my father and as per usual, we got onto a long discussion about automobiles. Such a discussion eventually led to him telling me that he saw an issue of Sport Auto magazine in a small Chinese convenience store which he had visited earlier in the day.

When he first told me of that, my head almost blew off my shoulders (with excitement, of course). Although I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little skeptical when he first told me, especially as Sport Auto is not known to be sold in North America.

Now, If you're unfamiliar with Sport Auto, I'll try to give it to you in brief explanation - it's a sports car enthusiast magazine which originates from Germany. As a result, all of the text and whatnot is written in German, although it is sold in other countries where it's text is translated. What makes Sport Auto such an amazing magazine is that each month they conduct something which they call a 'Supertest'. This 'Supertest' puts an individual car through a series of endurance events including two different racing circuits (one of which is the famous Nurburgring), as well as other such tests like slalom courses, evasive manoeuvres, etc.

It's hard to explain, but what you should know is that it's no 'normal' performance test. It's arguably the most enduring and amazing (performance) test on our earth. (dramatic!)

Anyways, I started to ask him if he was absolutely sure, but he then started to doubt himself. With that in mind,
he went back to the store earlier today and made 100% confirmation. He was right, it was a real Sport Auto magazine and according to the store owner they get them every month.

What was also nice is that he decided to buy the magazine for me.

Here it is..

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