Sunday, September 16, 2007

That Darn Girl! *In Love*

Watched a film last night called "The Quiet", and was absolutely amazed at how good it actually was. Quite frankly, I had originally expected it to be some weak sauce low production film with a choppy plot, but boy oh boy I was wrong.

Great film it was! Well constructed, excellent acting, great story - you name it. But before you go and watch it, be warned, it ain't no happy-go film; in fact, it's quite depressing and disturbing.

Without going to much into it, let me get you the basic facts (copied from

Dot (Camilla Belle), a young deaf and mute woman, is sent to live with her godparents (Falco and Donovan) and their daughter (Elisha Cuthbert). The new addition to the household realizes that everything is not copacetic in the home, and the family's dark come to light

Anyhow, as good as the film was (and as hot Elisha was), neither are the reason why I am writing this post. No, the reason for this post is for me to share my admiration for Mrs. Belle with you.

Oh my Lord.. She is undoubtedly one of the best looking girls in Hollywood.

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I just cannot believe how beautiful she is. She has that whole "sweet-heart" look down to perfection. She truthfully looks like one of those girls you (certainly myself) long to spend you're entire life with; a girl you want to hug and never let go.

And as a bonus, she's around my age (20 years old)...


Anonymous said...

Yep, I rented this movie earlier this summer and had never heard of Camilla Belle. Like you, I was blown away by her beauty and have watched everything she has been in and think I am in love with her. The difficulty is that I am 34. And married. With children.

BruceMcc said...

Hey there,

Glad to hear from someone who appreciates Camilla as much as I do.

There really is something magical about her, isn't there? Perhaps it's because she's got a handful of defining features - like her eye brows.

As for the difficulty... ouch ;-)