Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Recommended Movies

On the recent subject of excellent movies, here are ten that I love.

V For Vendetta:
Here's an anti-Hollywood production if I may say so myself. A little dash of poetry here and there, combined with anarchy and narcissism, can only make it a winner.

Pan's Labyrinth:
Symbolic meanings intelligently carried out through the description of fairy-like world and a on-going war. How cool is that?!

Three Kings:
Here's a movie which sheds a little more light on the Gulf War and how a few soldier's dream to steal Kuwaiti bullion, leads to an adventure which they did not count on.

Falling Down:
One man's struggle and final break-down as he tromps across Los Angeles to reach his daughter and with that, cutting down everything (and everyone) in his path.

The Constant Gardener:

The politics of a pharmaceutical company and a ever-dying Africa

Donnie Darko:

What is real and what is not? A captivating movie forcing the theory of time travel and worm holes.

Fight Club:
A casual encounter with a stranger leads to the development of a 'fight club' and with that, eventually leading to acts of anarchy and terrorism.

Shawshank Redemption:
Wrongful accusation leads to inappropriate Jail time. With the dream of hope, one man decides his life will not be further wasted.

A series of events which will have you're brain truly twisting, until the mind blowing conclusion.

Pulp Fiction:
It's quirky humour, memorable characters and off-beat story make it quite unlike anything else.

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