Wednesday, March 21, 2007


"What! You're how old? You've never been drunk? What in the bloody hell is wrong with you?"

Any of those sentences and/or words are something I hear frequently from my personal friends as well as my fellow forum users. Surprisingly, most people are cool with it, but the question remains: Why do you not drink?

The number reason I do not drink is because of something called - Methyphobia. For those not familiar with the terms, it means to have a fear of alcohol.

As far back as I can remember, "this stuff" has always been a fear of mine. Although, I suppose the next question to ask is, what is there to be afraid of?

Much I say. My first issue with alcohol is that it has proven many times to alter people's actions. I like to be responsible for my own actions, which is something I know certain individuals have troubles with when they are drunk. I do not want my mind clouded, I do want to do or say anything that I might regret.

Now I realize drinking a beer doesn't automatically make you irresponsible, or a complete drunkard - it's just something I want to stay away from. The thought that my actions might result in someones death (perhaps a car accident) is a terrible thought. Let alone, damage to my own personal vehicle. I want to be in control of myself, 100 % of the time.

The second part of my "fear" regarding alcohol use is the fear of addiction. I fear that by touching an alcoholic beverage that I will generally become used to it, and that will eventually lead to a dependency of it. As the general public would already know, being an alcoholic isn't a pretty situation. It leads to depressive states, uncontrolled anger, constant lying and even, suicide.

All of the above make up my "Methyphobia". In fact, the same general fear applies to drug usage (which is precisely why I've never used any)

Sorry for the short post ;) There isn't much else to say. For anyone who is a drinker, please note my post is not meant as an insult. If you drink, that's fine with me, but you'll never see me with a drink in my hand.


Anonymous said...

You are not alone, I feel the same way.

BruceMcc said...

Hey there.

Glad to hear that.

Chris Hulme said...

Hi Bruce,
i'm a student at Salford University undergoing an Avertising campaign for Phobias.. it would be a great help if you would let me interview you (over the internet obviously) if you find the time do you think you could e-mail me saying it's ok for me to interview you
my e-mail is
thanks mate
Chris Hulme!