Monday, May 28, 2007

Exercise, Dieting & Eating

Dr. Bruce with some serious advice

Everybody wants (and apparently needs) dieting/exercise tips. Well I've got a diet which you can try, but I can't guarantee it's going to work - as we all know results vary from person.

What's it called? I dunno, how about "The Bruce diet". It has successfully made me lose over 40lbs in the last seven months.

It had dawned upon me that I need to lose weight - lots! Oh yes, I was addicted to all sorts of candy and even worse, Coke. However, I wanted to lose it in a way which didn't mean I was going through a sweat shop daily. So as a result I started off casually by changing my eating pattern and simply restricting it to everything, but meat. I essentially started off by mixing daily stomach crunches (around 500 per day) and a daily mix of either vegetables and/or fruit (no meat). For a few months I went off meat completely and simply continued doing this and it wasn't long before the weight started to drop off.

Within the last three months my routine has yet again changed. Now a days I've gone away from stomach crunches and moved onto a "daily speed walk".

Anyhow, that's the diet...

As for my eating habits, you'll be glad to hear I've reintroduced meat. Sort of.. I still hardly eat meat, but I wouldn't say I'm a vegetarian. I'd say the only real time I end up eating meat of any sort is with a Pizza (which I'd say I get once a week) and when it happens, I call it my "pig out time". This is where my animal instincts come out and I can chow done most anything at an unbelievable speed.

I realize I've gone off topic, but allow me to do once again. The rate at which I eat things is like no one other (or at least I haven't met anyone else like me). More than often do I receive a comment like "wow, you must have been hungry". Truth be told, whether I am or not, is of no relevance. The fact is that I eat like a wood chipper.


You know when you see somebody drinking a pop slowly or for instance, someone eating half a sandwich and saving the other piece for the other part of the day? I cannot do that. For me, a can of pop doesn't sit untouched for 10 minutes. I can devour a can of Coke within two (one and a half?) minutes.

Here's another great example. A few nights ago me and my father had Pizza and we ordered two mediums. One for him, one for me ("pig out time").

The 12 inch pizza has about nine slices to it and by the time he had finished three pieces I had finished seven.

Gluttony? Yes.

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